B ody polish or a body scrub, they are all which removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells, a process called exfoliation, that will leave you clean and silky soft. 我们的身体磨砂膏、身体去角质乳护理品含有来自有机成分, 使您的肌肤倍感光滑。 A body polish is a popular body treatment that exfoliates and hydrates your skin, leaving it smooth and soft. The best way to think about a body polish is that it is a treatment for the skin -- basically a facial for the body. In a spa, the body polish is followed by a shower and ends with an application of body lotion. It should not be confused with a massage which targets the muscles. 身体皮肤去角质的好处 去角质的好处时可以促进皮肤的血液循环及新陈代谢,使细胞再生更加顺畅,皮肤呈现清新柔美的状态。如果使用含自然植物成分的脱角质乳,还可溶解皮肤的表皮层老化细胞,具有温和磨擦作用,可去除表皮的老化角质及聚结的黑色素和粉刺,改善肤色,让毛孔变得更细致。同时去掉皮肤的老化死细胞、粗糙角质,可使皮肤显现出细嫩光滑的质感。 有时,光是清洁和保湿还不够。在日常护肤方案中加入奢华的去角质身体磨砂膏,去除死皮老皮,刺激微循环。 only RM 88 @ 1HR Call/ Whatsapp: 欢迎马上询问预约 010-2398171 CLICK HERE 请点击这里 Appt Body Scrub 88 DON'SKINZ FACIAL No. 25-1, Jalan 109E, Desa Busin...