
目前显示的是 四月, 2018的博文

裸背的男人 大露背季节到了,你的背部应该这样保养!

背部防晒也是要选择 质地 水润或者强调无油的才会造成负担,而且要注意使用量还有及时补。做好这些你的背才能一直美下去。然后露背装就可以勇敢穿出来了。 背部是皮脂腺密集处,油脂比较多,而且夏天天气闷热,油脂分泌更旺盛,再加上背部角质层比较厚,代谢相比之下要缓慢许多,一不小心毛孔就阻塞了,痘痘自然就一个个冒出来啦。 背部本身属于视线盲区,很难进行彻底清洁,而背部流汗出游太多,容易滋生细菌,痘痘也就会冒出来。洗完澡水分没有吸干,容易弄湿衣服紧贴身上,不仅容易滋生细菌,而且衣物上的毛可能会堵塞背部毛孔,更容易长痘。 只需 RM 118 就可以享有以下两种护理 面部护理 + 背部护理 欢迎马上询问预约 Call/Whatsapp: 010-2398171 wasapp.me/60102398171/BookingBackFacial DON'SKINZ FACIAL No. 25-1, Jalan 109E, Desa Business Park, Taman Desa, Off Jalan Klang Lama, 58100 Kuala Lumpur.


PURIFYING FACIAL The Purifying Facial is my Deep Cleansing Facial that uses an innovative and improved way of doing microdermabrasion. It is a safe and gentle way of exfoliating dead skin with a diamond tip wand instead of abrasive materials. This method prevents unwanted irritation even if someone has sensitive skin. The reason microdermabrasion works is because it triggers the skin’s healing mechanism. This slight abrasion stimulates collagen and elastin production, two vital proteins needed for youthful skin. There are many benefits such as great elasticity and firmness and the removal of fine lines and wrinkles. Also over time it removes or helps with sun damaged skin. I use microdermabrasion in all my facials as it is the first step to beautiful and young looking skin. This is also why one should use a good scrub at home at least once a week. KEEP IN TOUCH FOR SPECIAL OFFERS Call DON'SKINZ FACIAL, Skin Care Sanctuary in Kuala Lumpur City for your ap...

【Benefits of Facial Steaming】

Increases absorbtion The steam warms up the skin surface and increases its absorption power, making skin more receptive to treatments such as face packs, masks or serums. This is why most beauty treatments at spas start off with a quick steam session. Enhance circulation Steam causes the blood vessels to dilate, resulting in increased blood flow to the face. This enhanced circulation helps give your skin a healthy, rosy glow. Get steamed Softens the surface layer of dead skin cells and cleanses pores, removing dirt and grime that might contribute to breakouts in the future. Additionally, a quick steam makes it easier to  remove blackheads  as well. Removes toxins Facial steaming increases the rate of perspiration which helps in getting rid of harmful toxins which might be the cause of your skin troubles. However, it is crucial to stay hydrated once you steam because sweating means you’re losing water. Provides relaxation The steam can help relax facial m...


其实这是一种很常见的护肤方法,养成定期去角质的好习惯,其实定期去角质能够促进皮肤的血液循环和新陈代谢,加速细胞再生或者更加顺畅,而皮肤呈现清新柔美的状态,是最好的肌肤状态。 选择使用含自然植物成分的脱角质乳,这对于帮助溶解肌肤的表皮层老化细胞,具有温和摩擦的效果,这对于去除肌肤表层杂志,而且对于聚结的黑色素和粉刺,能够很好的改善这些肌肤问题。 去除皮肤的老化死细胞、帮助搞定粗糙角质,可使皮肤显现出细嫩光滑的质感。 这是一种最为快速的护肤方法,因为老化细胞堆积,这很容易导致脸部出现痘痘,而去除角质绝对是很好的方法。 去角质的同时能去除皮肤表面覆盖的黑色素,并且能够很好的消除色斑问题,让其肌肤更加白皙更加有光泽,而且这些简单的方法,都是搞定肌肤色斑的最好方法。 所以说,定期去角质的好处非常多,它会让你的肌肤得到很好护理效果。在你的日常护肤中,定期去角质是很重要的事,你可以根据自己的肤质状况,来挑选去角质的方法,从而得到更好的美容效果。 马上预约您的 去角质脸部护理吧 疗程:78 MYR 提前预约:  010-2398171 DON'SKINZ FACIAL No. 25-1, Jalan 109E, Desa Business Park, Taman Desa, Off Jalan Klang Lama, 58100 Kuala Lumpur.

Dr Chao Mandelic Acid Renewal Deep Cleansing Gel 《杏仁酸潔淨煥白洗卸露》

美麗其實很簡單 我們希望讓昭明美妝專科的朋友們,可以用最簡單的方式選擇你要的美麗,不用擔心受怕自己塗抹在臉上身上的東西,是來路不明的原物料,或是地下工廠在惡劣環境下所生產的產品,沒有一定的保障,更不用擔心那些所謂的技術研發團隊是不是真的了解皮膚,昭明美妝專科從產品研發、原物料檢測、生產製造、產品控管,一站式嚴格控管,以高規格的生產及管理模式,確保送到昭明美妝專科的朋友手中的產品是最安全、最優良、功效最佳的狀態下讓朋友們使用。 DESCRIPTION     商品描述 Mandelic Acid Renewal Deep Cleansing Gel 杏仁酸潔淨煥白洗卸露 Skin Type: For oily, acne, combination skin type 適合膚質:油性、痘性、混合性肌膚 The brand new Dr.Chao Mandelic Acid Renewal Deep Cleansing Gel , quickly cover the skin stains. After cleaning, it can achieve deep cleansing and remove old waste stratum corneum then not dry and tight for skin.  全新煥膚洗卸露,加速包覆肌膚髒污,達到深層清潔卸妝效果, 質地溫和,使用後肌膚不緊繃、不乾澀。 Use: Use daily, day and night, apply small amount for face cleansing. 使用方法:用於每日臉部卸妝清潔肌膚,取適量沾於臉部, 適度按摩臉部,再以清水洗淨。 Ingredients / 成分: Pure water, sodium lauroyl sarcosinate, sodium cocoyl glutamate, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium cocoyl alaninate , polyquaternium - 7, Mandelic Acid, Propylene glycol, Butyl...